Virtual Gearbox Systems: Problems and Solutions

Virtual Online Event

In this seminar, we'll delve into the nitty-gritty of reliability and wear issues in transmission systems. These problems often stem not from faulty component design, but from system dynamics like starting torque, vibrations, and motor/engine behavior. We'll discuss common problems and solutions, and showcase tools for troubleshooting issues like noise, bearing failures, and vibrations. Here's what you can expect: - Understanding and addressing mysterious bearing and gear failures - Exploring the dynamics of gearbox systems - Managing gearbox noise and vibrations - Using cutting-edge data acquisition and analysis techniques for problem-solving - Examining wind turbine gearbox testing, instrumentation, and early troubleshooting - Exploring gear alignment tools (KHβ, Kϒ) - Learning techniques for collecting load (torque) data during operation - Real-world case studies across industries like rail, marine, renewables, automotive, and heavy machinery - Exploring advanced condition monitoring techniques Join us for this live, interactive session where you can ask questions and engage with the tutor. It's an opportunity to gain valuable insights and enhance your understanding of transmission system reliability.

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